Hey everyone! We are almost at the mid point of our Summer Reading Program. A lot of teens have signed up for the program and we have awarded lots of prizes! However no one has made it to level 5 yet. Be the first!
Good luck teens! -Bailey
Hey Teens! I wanted to give you all a little update on how Summer Reading has been going. You are all doing a great job! I'm so impressed with all the stories and pictures being posted, they are just fantastic! If you haven't yet, you should take some time to go read all the great stories being posted in the teen forum! The pictures are great too! Keep up the good work everyone!
Also, more teens than ever before are completing Bingos and winning prizes! If you haven't brought in your Bingo Card for a prize yet hurry, hurry! The bowling certificates are almost gone! You all are doing a great job reading this summer! So keep up the good work! Participation like this is what allows us to do bigger and better things for you every year! So thanks for participating! Don't forget we have a lot of great events planned for the coming weeks, Laura and I hope to see you there! P.S. The first two YAK's in August are going to be Teen Advisory Group meetings, so if you would like to influence the sort of events we plan for you, join us and make your voice heard! If we aren't doing what you want, YOU can change that! Hope to see you soon! -Bailey "Make Waves" the Teen Summer Reading program is about to kick off. Starting next week, on your last day of school teens ages 11-18 are invited to pick up a bingo card (here at ACPL or download it from the web page) and begin the Teen Summer Reading Challenge! For each 5 squairs of the bingo card a teen completes, s/he gets a prize! Prizes will start being awarded June 4th so get going!
Don't forget we have lots of fun events also planed for the summer! Next Thursday (June 3rd) will be our Summer Reading Kick off party! we hope to see you there! I (Bailey) have just finished the Sea Monster Jeopardy game and boy oh boy some of the questions are tough ones! You guys had better brush up on your sea monster trivia! I'm so excited to start summer reading! Hope to see you all soon! -Bailey This year's Summer Reading Events have been posted! Check them out on the events page! We have a lot of fun events planned for this summer, so bring your friends!
Here are the notes from the planning meeting we had today, please add any comments or ideas you might have for summer reading events.
Event ideas: Guest Speaker-Oceans? Surfing Found Art Fish- hang them around the Library Sushi? Underwater Level on Little Big Planet Modify Your YAK- Felt Beach Day- on the deck- hula? Watercolor painting Surfing-Laura's Nephew Baking- something w/ octopi Blue jello w/ gummy bears - oceany Water fight/ Squirt guns Pirate Day!- pirates movies, London's Pirate movie Bobbing for apples NO SPONGEBOB EVER! (hahah) Decorate Flower pots+ plants Salt water taffy Paint bookends for teen section Weird Science w/ water Ponyo Partner w/ childrens section movies Make Movies Collage Island Countries pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey/ learn about island countries Goldfish mascot Bingo Card: -take a pic of a Body of water -read a book about the ocean or water -sea mythology -famous books about the ocean/shore Prizes: Sea Monkeys Hey Teens! This is the ACPL Young Adult blog. Here is where you can keep up with what's happening in the Young Adult section and department. For our first blog we, of course, would like to tell you what's going on at the library right now! Teen Summer Reading is in full swing! If you would like to find out more information about what is going on here for teens this summer check out the Teen Summer Reading section of the website. If you are between the ages of 11 and 18 you can join teen summer reading by getting a Bingo card. You can pick one up at the Information Station or download one from this site. By completing the activities on the Bingo card teens can win prizes for doing the reading you are doing anyway! For more information please feel free to contact us! |
Laura & Bailey
Laura Prestia and Bailey Murray are the Young Adult Specialists here at the Albany County Public Library. NOTE: Comments with no name, contain advertisements and/or irrelevant contact information will be deleted from the blog. Please keep comments relevant to the topic, and please do not advertise.
January 2012