Today @ YAK we are continuing to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I know that some of you are going to miss YAK today, so i thought I'd give you the option to post your thoughts here. We will be reading to chapter 34 for next week so don't get behind!
What do you think of the way Mr. Darcy treats the women in this book? Have you noticed that the Bennets seem to have spent some time in Japan with Kung Fu masters? What do you think about the way everyone treats the Zombie apocalypse, a little unconcerned don't you think? What would you do if you encountered Zombie hoards? Ladies, would you marry a ridiculous man to keep your family in their home? Do you support Lizzy's decision? What of Mr. Collins and Mrs. Lucas? I look forward to hearing what you think! -Bailey
Yes teens we are Attempting a Book Club one more time. Last time we tried a book club we let you pick and it was a royal flop, so this time Laura and I are going to choose for you. Thus far Laura and I are leaning towards a series, Pride and Prejudges and Zombies and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters to be read over the course of the fall. We need to order these books SOON, so if anyone has any strong objections to this Please let us know ASAP. |
Laura & Bailey
Laura Prestia and Bailey Murray are the Young Adult Specialists here at the Albany County Public Library. NOTE: Comments with no name, contain advertisements and/or irrelevant contact information will be deleted from the blog. Please keep comments relevant to the topic, and please do not advertise.
January 2012